How a resource inventory gets you to perform at your best.
What resource do you tap into the most to “get the job done?”
The thing that often depletes me first is brainpower. For many high achievers, it’s time. For others, it’s money that hinders their dreams. And, all of us only have a certain amount of energy to accomplish the things we want to do!
These four resources, (1) time, (2) money, (3) energy, and (4) brainpower impact creativity and productivity, and are the key resources every professional needs for success.
Time and Money are part our consciousness because they are limited. We’ve learned how to measure them, sometimes with great success and sometimes not. But how do we define and quantify brainpower and energy?
Energy is your internal power bank. It’s like a personal battery indicating how much your body and mind are equipped to give to a task.
Brainpower is your creative force. It is your unique internal process for developing and executing what you do.
Both energy and brainpower require awareness, because they are internal resources that are impacted and shaped by external factors. It is hard to measure them until they are completely gone. How do you prevent those resources from hitting empty?
Create a resource inventory.
Start by making a list of your daily workload. This is column 1. Then create four columns to the right.
Column 2 is Time. How much time, in minutes, does this task take?
Column 3 is Money. Write down how much is earned for this task.
Column 4 is Energy. On a scale of one (1) to five (5), write down how much energy this tasks requires from you
Column 5 is Brainpower. Using that same five-point scale, jot down how much brainpower is needed.
Next, evaluate the list. By measuring energy, brainpower, time, and money, you can better identify things you love doing, those that drain you, where you make your money, and what takes up your time. From there, you can reflect and ultimately make changes in your resource allocation.
Here's an example of my day.
That example of my day says a lot.
In terms of time, it’s a 10-hour day. This is typical for an entrepreneur.
On the energy and brainpower scale, there is only one task, email correspondence, which requires minimal energy and brainpower (2 or lower).
Overall, most of my day (85+%) requires a lot of energy (4 or 5 on the scale).
I am only making money in one hour of my day. Some of my day's activities do not immediately increase my present income.
Overall, the chart indicates that I am depleted.
Imagine if we change this so I make more money while using less energy and brainpower. Here's an example of another day.
Now there are changes that make a big deal.
In terms of time, it is now shortened to a 9-hour day.
I found an hour that can be devoted to replenish.
I eliminated two tasks that took energy and brainpower by outsourcing them.
Freeing up some time and energy, I increased my money-making hours.
And the big takeaway: the more I coached, something I’m passionate about, the less energy and brainpower it took because I was recharging!
These two examples are just for one day. Imagine if you did this over a week? You could reshape how you work so you are maximizing your four resources without burning out!
If you’re anything like me, you probably aspire to be the Energizer Bunny and just go… go… go… until you’re exhausted and completely spent. That not only depletes you short-term, it has long-term impact. Stop it now, before it happens.
Take time to create and fine-tune your own resource inventory, recharge your personal power battery, replenish your internal creative force, and perform at your highest level today, tomorrow, and every day.